Developing an executive’s compensation package is increasingly difficult due to constant changes in tax laws and continued tightening of non-discriminatory rules. Many times, the 'right' incentive compensation and benefits cannot be maintained for your executive team through traditional non-discriminatory qualified plans. Therefore, we offer consulting services to assist you in developing innovative benefits and compensation plans for your key executives.
Most Deferred Compensation arrangements are subject to IRC 409 A rules not only in the initial Plan design set up, but also in the ongoing Administration of Deferred Compensation Plan. Our daily administration of our Clients’ Non-qualified Plans (subject to IRC 409A) incorporates and is focus on all IRC 409A compliance rules and regulations. In addition, our in-house ERISA Attorney’s annually review such Plans for compliance concerns and any new IRS regulations.
Our consultants will create a cost-effective tax-favored plan designed to reward participants for achieving corporate goals and objectives. We offer studies, plan design, installation and on-going administration in all types of executive compensation and benefit plans, all conforming to IRC 409A regulations:
We will make every interaction a positive experience.